Style Guidelines

We request that authors refrain from ending their introductions with an outline (e.g., Part 1 does A, Part 2 does B, etc.) and instead rely on the logic and organization of the paper to support their arguments.

Feminist Economics asks authors to strive for tightly written submissions in which the length is appropriate to the topic. Articles over 10,000 words (including references, endnotes, tables, and figures) are strongly discouraged. Excessively long articles will not be reviewed.

Any acknowledgments should be entered in the Acknowledgments box on Manuscript Central.

Please include a biographical note of between 40 and 100 words for each author. Authors should enter biographical notes in the appropriate box in Manuscript Central.

Please include an abstract of 150 words or less.

Upon manuscript acceptance, authors are asked to submit a bulleted list of 3 – 5 main ideas or policy implications from their articles. This list will be style edited and typeset along with the rest of the article, and will appear just after the abstract. Since the points are an integral part of the article, the journal will not publish any accepted work that does not include them.

“Highlights” should concisely convey the main findings or key points readers would expect to gain from reading the full article – brief background or reasons for writing the article, methodological insights (especially if novel), findings/conclusion, and/or policy implications.
These points should not directly restate the abstract, but should instead be focused on policy implications where appropriate, or clearly and concisely state the main theoretical insights.
To fit both the article abstract (150 words) and “Highlights” on the first page of the published article, the points should be no longer than 200 words.
Where appropriate, authors of research articles should try to include at least one policy implication of the work in their points. It is fine (and encouraged) to include more than one.
Authors of some types of manuscripts may not have policy implications to highlight. However, they should highlight the key contributions of their work and implications for future research, if any.

Please include 6 keywords and 3 JEL codes.

Tables and figures should not be inserted within the pages of the manuscript but rather submitted as separate files. Tables should be prepared with the minimum use of horizontal rules (usually three are sufficient) and no vertical rules (if possible). It is important to provide clear, high-contrast, black-and-white copies of the images that can be easily reproduced.

The desired position in the text for each table and figure should be clearly indicated in the text of the manuscript, along with an indication of the preferred size of reproduction (e.g. full page, half page). All captions for figures and plates, including sources and acknowledgments, should be listed separately. Where photographs or figures are reproduced from an outside source, acknowledgment of source and copyright must be given in the caption.

Articles should usually contain no more than 8 exhibits (tables and figures).

Authors may use first initials followed by last names for referencing authors of publications in text. Only use et al. in succeeding mentions of sources with four or more authors.
Where more than one reference is given at a time in the text, the sources should be listed in chronological order, e.g., “…(see also Nancy Hartsock 1985, 1990; Paula England 1993; Lourdes Benería, Maria Floro, Caren Grown, and Martha MacDonald 2000).”\
The date of the publication cited must be the date of the source referenced; when using a republished book, a translation, or a modern version of an older edition, the date of the original publication must also be given in the reference. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year, these should be distinguished by using 1980a, 1980b, etc.\
The reference list should include every work cited in the text. First initial and last names must be given. Please ensure that dates, spelling, and titles used in the text are consistent with those in the reference list.
The content and form of the reference list should conform to the following examples. Please note that page numbers are required for articles. Both the place of publication and name of the publisher should be given for books and, when relevant, the translator and date of the first publication should be noted. Do not use et al. in the reference list; spell out each author’s full name.

Collins, Patricia Hill. 1991. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Routledge.

Article in edited volume

England, Paula. 1993. “The Separative Self: Androcentric Bias in Neoclassical Assumptions,” in Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nelson, eds. Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics, pp. 37–53. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Article in journal/Multiple authors

Agarwal, Bina. 1990. “Social Security and the Family: Coping with Seasonality and Calamity in Rural India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 17(3): 341–411. Strober, Myra, Suzanne Gerlach-Downie, and Kenneth Yeager. 1995. “Child Care Centers as Workplaces.” Feminist Economics 1(1): 93–119.

Translated text
Foucault, Michel. 1980. Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings: 1972–1977. Colin Gordon, ed. Trans. Colin Gordon, Leo Marshall, John Mepham, and Kate Soper. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press.

Article in newspaper
Bennett, Amanda. 1994. “Young Women May Trade Jobs for Marriage.” Wall Street Journal, June 29.Unpublished
Badgett, M. V. Lee. 1994. “Civil Rights and Civilized Research.” Paper presented at 1994 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference.

If your source of information is a book, a journal, or a journal article that is only published on the Internet, please follow the guidelines above, and add how it is available (e.g. HTTP, Gopher, e-mail) and the actual electronic address with the dates of access in parentheses.

Internet source
Hymon, Linda Woods. EdWebInformation Problem-Solving Big Six Basics. (accessed October 1997).
Message on a discussion board\
Lucas, Linda. 1999. “Work Prohibitions,” e-mail to Femecon:, March 11.
Personal e-mail message
Smith, Beverly. 1996. “Subject of message.” E-mail to author July 30.

Spacing: Submissions, including notes and references, should be double-spaced.
Notes: Please keep notes to a minimum. When possible, incorporate supporting arguments or context into the main article. Notes will be reproduced as endnotes.
Justification of text: Leave the right margin ragged and avoid word divisions and hyphens at the ends of lines. Only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs and headings.
Punctuation: Use a single (not a double) space after a full point and after commas, colons, semicolons, etc. Do not put a space in front of a question mark or in front of any other closing punctuation mark. Please use serial commas (i.e., before “and,” “or,” etc., in lists).
Spelling: American spelling should be used throughout (analyze, labor, defense, center).
Initial capitalization: Please keep capitalization to a minimum. Where possible, use lower case for government, church, state, party, volume, etc.; north, south, etc. are only capitalized if used as part of a recognized place name, e.g. Western Australia, South Africa. Use lower case for general terms, e.g. eastern France, south-west of Berlin.
Full points: Use periods after abbreviations (p.m., e.g., i.e., etc.) and abbreviations where the end of the word is omitted (p., ed., ch.). Do not use periods in the case of abbreviations for countries or states (e.g. UK, US, EU).
Quotations: Use double quotation marks for quoted material within the text; single quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Do not use leader dots at the beginning or end of a quotation unless meaning absolutely demands it. For ellipses within a quotation, use three leader dots for a mid-sentence break and four if the break is followed by a new sentence. Quotations of over forty words should be extracted and indented and no quotation marks used.
Numerals: In general, spell out numbers under 100; use numerals for measurements (e.g., 12 km) and ages (e.g., 10 years old). Insert a comma for both thousands and tens of thousands, with no space following (e.g., 1,000 and 20,000). Always use the minimum number of figures for ranged numbers and dates (e.g., 22, 4, 105–6, 1966–7, 112–3, 1914–8). Use the percentage sign only in figures and tables; spell out “percent” in the text using a numeral for the number (e.g., 84 percent).
Dates: Set out dates as follows: July 8, 1990; on July 8; or on the 8th; 1990s (not spelled out, no apostrophe); nineteenth century (not 19th century), and hyphenated when used as an adjective (e.g., nineteenth-century art).
Dashes: Spaced en-rules will be used to indicate dashes. (e.g., “the potential for exploitation is still present – depending on how…”). Use an en dash to link number spans (e.g., 24–8), to connect two items linked in a political context (e.g. “Labor–Liberal alliance”, “Rome–Berlin axis”), and to link the names of joint authors (e.g., Temple–Hardcastle project).

Submissions should be in English. However, Feminist Economics is willing to conduct a preliminary evaluation of articles in Spanish and French, provided appropriate reviewers are available. After preliminary evaluation, those authors who are encouraged to submit papers for full peer review will be asked to submit their papers in English. The journal cannot guarantee funding for translation but will collaborate with authors’ efforts to seek outside funding for this purpose.